佛山益登门窗有限公司 是一家专业从事阳光房、断桥铝门窗的设计、制造、安装、销售于一体的优秀 企业。公司拥有一支专业性强、技术精、素质高的研发团队,并引进了全套国际先进的生产设备,先后承接 了国内高级写字楼、别墅、公寓、住宅小区的精品装修工程, 赢得了业主的广泛好评,能够提供不同建筑 空间特殊要求的系统解决方案,为您量身定做,为您把握完美!.
公司信承“顾客至上,信誉第一”的服务宗旨,以“追求卓越、创造完美”的经营理念,选用优质环保铝合 金型材和进口五金配件,公司生产的系列门窗产品具有良好的气密性、水密性以及隔音、保温、防潮、防晒、 抗风压、防止环境污染等优越性能,真正实现了审美需求与防护功能的完美结合,产品质量及各项技术性能 均达到国家标准要求。公司本着以市场为导向、科技为先导的原则,并不断完善ISO9001:2008国际质量管 理体系,为您打造时尚、典雅、温馨的家园之门。
“日滋月益,登峰造极”,我们益登人会不断进取,以求达到自身与客户的双赢,益登产品将不断创新,精益 求精,以超越客户需求,实现客户满意为己任。
Our company hold the belief that customer and credit will always be our first concern. What is more, under the managing concept of striking for excellence, superior environment-friendly aluminum alloy sections and imported hardware accessories are chosen during our production process. The doors and windows products excel in quality such as good tightness, water tightness, soundproofing, moisture resistance, sunburnt resistance, wind pressure resistance and environmental pollution resistance; Meanwhile they have realized the perfect combination of pleasing shape and good protection function. Our products have reach the national standard of both quality and technique. Adhereing the principle of science and market orientation, We will always carry on the strict quality management system based on ISO9001 in order to offer you a modern, elegant and harmonious gate of homeland for you.
As we say, seeking for proficiency, striking for excellence, we will try our best to achieve the win-win situation between ourselves and customers. We will continue the R&D work in order to satisfy different needs from different groups.